Weeknotes 7 — The fake account

Mor Rubinstein
2 min readFeb 23, 2021

We speak a lot about emotional resilience these days, but my main aha moment this week was that I am allowed not to be resilient for a day or two. Remembering that I am allowed to feel low sometimes was important for me, it was part of my recovery.

I hope you are getting time to recover too!

Stuff I did this week

FastStats — Parkinson’s UK has been using this software for years, but now we are revising if it still fit for purpose. There are lots of legacy issues with the system, and we are moving to a new data warehouse in the next year, so the time is right to evaluate it. If you know anyone who works with the system or work with it yourself, talk to me.

Natural Language Processing — We are still working with NLP and trying to understand different opportunities where we can use it. We use Relative Insight for the majority of our NLP needs now, but we are also trying to upskill the team with NLP and map more opportunities. This week we did a case study of how we can evalaute with sentiment analysis our latest integrated campaign. We came up with some interesting findings and now it’s time to share it with the rest of the world.

Meeting with other teams — I also met other colleagues across the organisation to see how the team can support their data needs. We coordinated some future work and discuss different ideas. It was a good learning experience for me

Stuff I read

Dulcie from DataKind UK referred me to this article about NLP in the use of charities. Nice read — https://ssir.org/articles/entry/how_the_social_sector_can_use_natural_language_processing#

Weird stuff of the week

Someone used my email to sign up for Match.com and open a fake account. It was really weird because I also find the woman in the picture they used. You can see that saga here:

But also, I found out Match.com dosen’t have two steps authentication, why? Here is an article that explains how they benefit from fake accounts for Match.com (who also already being sued about this in the USA)— https://www.fastcompany.com/90409400/ftc-match-com-used-scams-to-trick-love-seekers-into-paying

