Weeknotes — Week 4

Mor Rubinstein
2 min readJan 31, 2021



This weekend was my birthday, so I allowed myself to have a lazy weekend and write just at the end of it. In general I am not a birthday type of girl, but I felt lucky I spent it with family when most families are apart because of this virus. It was another exhausting week, but this time because of a sick toddler, but she is already much better and we are hopefully due to a more relaxed week.

What I have done this week?

Mapping Work — The team tried to map all the area of work we are going to work on this week so we can have less surprises and more planning ahead. I still have a big spreadsheet I need to work on so it will be useful for us.

Defining Team Responsibilities — Honestly, this part was hard. There are a lot of resources on how to create roles and responsibilities, but not how to create team responsibilities. Why does it matter? So we can communicate to our stakeholders what we do and most importantly what we don’t do. It also helps us to prioritise work. Like most of the things we do in the team, this is an ongoing process we will review next month.

Data Collective User Research Workshop — I participated in the workshop and learned a few things from fellow data people in charities, like that others are working on helpline data and NLP. I also learned that in times of pandemic people need very specific asks and clear communication in a community, so I am working towards there too. See the full summary here.

What I listened to

Freaknomics — How to Fix the Incentives in Cancer Research (with some valuable insights to Parkinson’s too).

And a tweet that made me smile

Have a good week everybody!

